All the photos on this website were taken by me in the city of New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Hopefully, you will find them interesting.

Monday, August 20, 2007

in decline

This was a funny poster to see on the newspaper machines. I did some googling and apparently this is the symbol of a dvd that shows crazy stuff, (that was a terrible description). Here's how describes it :
"INDECLINE The new BFK production, as politically incorrect as always, hard skate, daredevil graffiti, over the top violent, advertising hijacking, anti-Bush manifestation which degenerates, fight clubs and more generally, misery in its sad and tough reality, the American society is collapsing, here is the testimony… A must-see ! "
I doubt I would enjoy 'over the top violence', but it was an interesting addition the the new brunswick scene and I liked the logo with subtle demonic details.


Blogger Tom said...

It certainly gets the message across, it looks like a devil doctor doing his rounds

5:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

indecline is a must see the fighting is boring just skip it pretty good but sad to realise thaT THe politisons really dont want people to see whats happening in their citys

5:08 PM


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