All the photos on this website were taken by me in the city of New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Hopefully, you will find them interesting.

Friday, October 27, 2006


Over-pass over Albany Street. It's been too cold these days. Well, I like the cold a lot, but it's been too windy and cold these days. Wind can really mess up a girl's day.


Blogger Matthieu said...

Nice mix of colours

4:23 PM

Blogger Kala said...

Wind can mess up a guys day too if he has long hair =P

Nice view from the overpass with those trees - it looks like traffic is building up on one side

9:18 PM

Blogger Olivier said...

J'aime aussi le froid, mais rassure toi, le froid peut gacher aussi la journee d'un garcon. ce soir je vais voir un match de foot a paris et si il fait froid je vais resortir completement gele.
belle photo d'avenue, le ciel a l'air mecontent

I like also the cold, but reassures you, the cold can gacher also the day of a boy. this evening I will see a match of foot has bets and if the weather is cold I will be completely cold.
beautiful photograph of avenue, the sky has the dissatisfied air

12:44 AM


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