All the photos on this website were taken by me in the city of New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Hopefully, you will find them interesting.

Monday, October 02, 2006

United Methodist Church

This is a close up of the church that was in the background of photo I took of George Street last week. Olivier pointed it out to me, so I thought I'd get a closer look. I really like these red doors.


Blogger Olivier said...

Superbe eglise, elle est vraiment belle. (merci pour le lien, les fresques sont sublimes).J'avoue que j'ais un faible pour les lieux religieux (alors que je suis totalement athé) mais que ce soit les mosquées, les pagodes, les eglises, elles sont souvent tres belles et tres photogeniques.
Tu peux prendre des photos de l'interieur ou c'est interdit ?

4:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if anyone checks this anymore, but the picture that is here is not of The Church of St. John the Evangelist. I am a vestry member at the Church of St. John the Evangelist and this isn't that church. St. John's is right next to the new Rutgers Public Safety Building at the corner of Commercial Ave. and George St. And the Fresco Philip did over the Altar is absolutely beautiful, you should come see it some time.

10:10 AM


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