All the photos on this website were taken by me in the city of New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Hopefully, you will find them interesting.

Friday, September 29, 2006

"we be burnin' "

O.K. This has to be the most bizarre photo I have ever taken. Can you guess what it is? It's a common occurrence for a klutz like me. Again, the hint is in the title. I swear if anyone guesses what it is, I will take your address and mail you a nifty gift. Scouts honor, (and I was in the Girl Scouts so I really can honor it.) Oh, and be specific!


Blogger Olivier said...

le concour du jour, cela fait penser à une peau de reptile, mais trop facile. Donc je pencherais pour l'interieur d'une ruche d'abeille

4:09 AM

Blogger Sadia said...

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4:15 AM

Blogger Sadia said...

Olivier Désolé. Essai encore !

4:17 AM

Blogger Olivier said...

un gateau ou une soupe congelée ?

8:44 AM

Blogger DXBluey said...

Hey Sadia,

Honey! You are the bee's knees!

Either that or I'm an ass....

Whatever, I think this shot is fantatstic.



5:45 PM

Blogger Olivier said...

La reponse, la reponse, la reponse

5:42 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it burnt milk???? I submit that it is!

3:06 PM

Blogger Nathalie H.D. said...

Burning, donc ça a brûlé? Je pencherais pour une pancake laissée trop longtemps dans la poele, avec les bulles...
En tout cas, je trouve la photo sublime, vraiment belle et intéressante.
A quand la réponse ?

8:24 PM

Blogger Kimberley said...

Reminds me of leopard print

11:18 PM

Blogger Sadia said...

Thanks Bluey! And thanks everyone for their guesses, but only Mr. Kashif Chand guessed correct. It is, in fact, a close up of a pot in which I slowly and steadily burned milk. You see, I had a cold that day and could not smell the burning bottom layer. I am still trying to get that pot clean! Congrats Kashif!

2:29 AM

Blogger Emmanuel.K.Bensah II said...

sadia--je suis desole:-( donc vous parlez francais, aussi? j'aurais pas du pense...sauf sur le fait que le New Brunswick fait partie du..Canada:-) surprise, surprise:-)!! Sorry I missed this test. Too bad:-(

12:08 PM

Blogger M said...

I thought it was burnt sugar. Some of your photos, including this one, are really beautiful. You have a good eye.

9:07 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, i agree that its definitely something burned.. makes me wanna itch for some reason.

1:46 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

im a 100 % sure its burnt milk

10:18 PM


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